• Product Availability

    All Acrylic Paintings are one of a kind and can be purchased Online, Local Pickup in North Olmsted, Ohio and also at all Art Festivals and Shows.

  • Return Policy

    All Paintings are original and custom, and due to the cost, time and effort in the creative process all sales are final, and I have a no return policy.

  • Is Shipping available and Offered

    Yes, shipping is available for all purchases made on this store and website. All products can be scheduled for local pickup and no shipping charges apply. I use standard USPS.

  • What type of Materials are used.

    Great question and I’m the local artist and I use the very best acrylic paints and high grade canvas. I also have specialty creations such as 3D designs and models. Wood metal, plastic and many other materials are used. Some of my painting also carry a high gloss.

  • Where can I find your Shows and Events

    I have been an artist for over 17 years now and I have been doing local shows for the last five years now. You will find my latest schedule on the home page with all the information to each location and event. If you have any questions please reach out to me and I’m happy to help.

  • Privacy Policy

    With my long standing IT background I care about people and privacy. I do not share any customer information with any third party resources and maintain very secure website management.